Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rhythm / Lines

I found this image from, and this is done by visual and sound artist Jonna Karanka. I looked through her art work and I really like them all.
There are a repetition of lines, dots and patterns that create a visual rhythm. With the image on the left, multiple dots on the three corner draws the viewer's eyes to the woman's face. There are more patterns along her face fills up the bottom right corner. The rest of the space in the middle is drawn curved lines to express woman's words or could be her breath. The woman's arms are making diamond shape which creates a dynamic visual effect.
With the picture on the right, the thick curvy lines on the upper half definitely emphasizes the image in the middle. Again, various shapes and repetition of multiple patterns on the women's hair create the fun movement and energy. The edge of the right bottom corner fills the negative space and the large letters on the bottom left keep a nice balance.
Even though these both images have just one color, I feel so much energy from the lines and rhythm of the images.


  1. I like the way that the artist used the background shapes, as well as the details on the main figures, to create rhythm. I also like the abundance of textures that are used in the figures' clothing. The slight abstractness and vaguely impressionistic feel of the two images gives them a lot of impact.

  2. The image on the left looks like "organized chaos." The lines are all over the place but each style is contained in its own little area.

    The image on the right is much more restrained and tight. Even though the space the image takes up is rectangular the lines make you believe the space is rounded.

  3. I like the image on the right the best, but I like a more restrained graphic image, that has order to it. The movement of line in the image is very directional and intentionally move you through the picture to closure on the faces. The white space acts a a necessary balancing and moving point for the picture. It is straight forward about its image and doesn't skimp on the details either. So, if you want to spend some time enjoying the details of the head scarves, it gives you plenty of line and rhythm. Overall a nicely balanced piece.

  4. I love the use of line and shape to create a "voice" and rhythm in the image on the left. It seem like she is singing or telling a long tale. The text seems to contain her voice in the ribbon-like border. The outer border created of line and enclosed circles also creates a nice, undulating rhythm.

    The right portion invokes a feeling of anger. The strong vertical lines seem to pulse and vibrate like heat coming off their heads and faces. The patterns in their hair and red & white vertical lines frame the faces which pull the viewer's eye directly to them.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This image involves many lines and texture all over the image. Both images create rhythm and make the image explain itself in an energetic way by the neat colors. In other words, just by looking at the patterns and lines, we can see unity and everything seems to go along very each other other (rhythm). good job, this is a very detailed image.
